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Aurora Public Schools is excited to share that the University of Denver is seeking teen volunteers for a paid online research study. The University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work is partnering with Ellipsis Health to conduct a research study titled: Validating an artificial intelligence-enabled depression and anxiety screening tool for adolescents. This study will use voice and artificial intelligence technology to screen for adolescent depression and anxiety.
Participation in this research study is voluntary and not part of your child’s school curriculum. The information collected will not be shared with anyone at your child’s school.
Your child is eligible to participate in this research study because they are enrolled in Aurora Public Schools, between the ages of 11-17, and in grades 6-12. Eligible participants will use a computer or mobile device (smartphone or tablet) to access Ellipsis Health’s web application and complete the following three tasks, which should take about 10 to 15 minutes total:
- Speak (in English) on a topic of their choosing (school, friends, home) for at least 90 seconds.
- Answer a brief depression questionnaire.
- Answer a brief anxiety questionnaire.
Please complete the parental permission form to allow your child to participate. Once the parental permission form is complete, students will receive an email from the University of Denver with a weblink and unique access code to complete the research tasks.
Ellipsis Health will not receive any identifiable information about your child. Only Principal Investigator Dr. Johnny Kim and his doctoral graduate research assistant will receive your child’s name, email address or cell phone number, which will be stored in a secure, password-protected computer and not shared with anyone else. If you and your child agree to participate, your child will be asked to provide basic demographic information (race/ethnicity, birth year, sex assigned at birth) before starting the research tasks. If there is any missing demographic data or the information is unclear, Dr. Kim will request this information from Aurora Public Schools to ensure they have accurate data needed for the research analysis.
There is no cost to you or your child to participate. Participation is voluntary and your child’s choice to participate or not will have no effect on their grades. Your child may participate remotely at home or any quiet, private place of their choosing as long as they have Internet connection. The first 700 participants who successfully complete the research tasks will receive an electronic $50 Amazon gift card. Study participants may be asked to redo some or all of the three research tasks if there are problems encountered with the voice recordings or survey measures before receiving their gift card.
Please contact Principal Investigator Dr. Johnny Kim at [email protected] if you have any questions or need any additional information about the research study.